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Legend (BrocktonMA/BrocktonDynamic)

Parcels (0)
Road Centerlines Label (1)
Town Boundary (2)
Historic Lines (3)
Parcel Labels (5)
Condos Labels (6)
Buildings (74)
Easements (75)
Zoning (77)
R-1-A (Single-Family Residential) R-1-A (Single-Family Residential)
R-1-B (Single-Family Residential) R-1-B (Single-Family Residential)
R-1-C (Single-Family Residential) R-1-C (Single-Family Residential)
R-2 (Multi-Family Residential) R-2 (Multi-Family Residential)
R-3 (Multi-Family Residential) R-3 (Multi-Family Residential)
C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial)
C-2 (General Commercial) C-2 (General Commercial)
C-3 (Central Business) C-3 (Central Business)
C-5 (Office Commercial) C-5 (Office Commercial)
C-7 (Sports & Convention Center Complex Zone) C-7 (Sports & Convention Center Complex Zone)
C-8 (Highway Commercial Zone) C-8 (Highway Commercial Zone)
I-1 (Industrial Park) I-1 (Industrial Park)
I-2 (General Industrial) I-2 (General Industrial)
I-3 (Heavy Industrial) I-3 (Heavy Industrial)
Contour Label (78)
Contours (79)
Rivers and Streams (81)
Lakes and Ponds (82)
NHESP Certified Vernal Pools (83)
NHESP Priority Habitat for Rare Species (84)
NHESP Estimated Habitats for Rare Wildlife (85)