Description: The structures contained in this layer were obtained from a variety of sources and the accuracy varies greatly. in 2007-2008 'GPS' work was performed to locate as many of the outfalls as possible using the older GPS system the Town owned. Since then many have been corrected or identified that were not included in the original work. In addition, better technology has made it possoible to include more accurate information.The following 'SOURCE'list should be considered when using the dataG_CAD = CAD drawing that was received with georeferencing built inCAD = A CAD file that was georeferenced 'in-house' so less accurate than G_CADINTERN = GPS work done using a tablet and in many cases more accurate than the GPS-noted source and she not be considered less accurateGPS = from GPS work that may/may not be very ACCURATEPLAN = plan. Could be any plan but comments may then say LOC APPROX which means accuracy still questionable
Copyright Text: Lynne W. Fielding, GISP for the Town of Ashland
Description: The structures contained in this layer were obtained from a variety of sources and the accuracy varies greatly. in 2007-2008 'GPS' work was performed to locate as many of the outfalls as possible using the older GPS system the Town owned. Since then many have been corrected or identified that were not included in the original work. In addition, better technology has made it possoible to include more accurate information.The following 'SOURCE'list should be considered when using the dataG_CAD = CAD drawing that was received with georeferencing built inCAD = A CAD file that was georeferenced 'in-house' so less accurate than G_CADINTERN = GPS work done using a tablet and in many cases more accurate than the GPS-noted source and she not be considered less accurateGPS = from GPS work that may/may not be very ACCURATEPLAN = plan. Could be any plan but comments may then say LOC APPROX which means accuracy still questionable
Copyright Text: Lynne W. Fielding, GISP for the Town of Ashland
Description: The structures contained in this layer were obtained from a variety of sources and the accuracy varies greatly. in 2007-2008 'GPS' work was performed to locate as many of the outfalls as possible using the older GPS system the Town owned. Since then many have been corrected or identified that were not included in the original work. In addition, better technology has made it possoible to include more accurate information.The following 'SOURCE'list should be considered when using the dataG_CAD = CAD drawing that was received with georeferencing built inCAD = A CAD file that was georeferenced 'in-house' so less accurate than G_CADINTERN = GPS work done using a tablet and in many cases more accurate than the GPS-noted source and she not be considered less accurateGPS = from GPS work that may/may not be very ACCURATEPLAN = plan. Could be any plan but comments may then say LOC APPROX which means accuracy still questionable
Copyright Text: Lynne W. Fielding, GISP for the Town of Ashland
Description: The structures contained in this layer were obtained from a variety of sources and the accuracy varies greatly. in 2007-2008 'GPS' work was performed to locate as many of the outfalls as possible using the older GPS system the Town owned. Since then many have been corrected or identified that were not included in the original work. In addition, better technology has made it possoible to include more accurate information.The following 'SOURCE'list should be considered when using the dataG_CAD = CAD drawing that was received with georeferencing built inCAD = A CAD file that was georeferenced 'in-house' so less accurate than G_CADINTERN = GPS work done using a tablet and in many cases more accurate than the GPS-noted source and she not be considered less accurateGPS = from GPS work that may/may not be very ACCURATEPLAN = plan. Could be any plan but comments may then say LOC APPROX which means accuracy still questionable
Copyright Text: Lynne W. Fielding, GISP for the Town of Ashland
Description: The structures contained in this layer were obtained from a variety of sources and the accuracy varies greatly. in 2007-2008 'GPS' work was performed to locate as many of the outfalls as possible using the older GPS system the Town owned. Since then many have been corrected or identified that were not included in the original work. In addition, better technology has made it possoible to include more accurate information.The following 'SOURCE'list should be considered when using the dataG_CAD = CAD drawing that was received with georeferencing built inCAD = A CAD file that was georeferenced 'in-house' so less accurate than G_CADINTERN = GPS work done using a tablet and in many cases more accurate than the GPS-noted source and she not be considered less accurateGPS = from GPS work that may/may not be very ACCURATEPLAN = plan. Could be any plan but comments may then say LOC APPROX which means accuracy still questionable
Copyright Text: Lynne W. Fielding, GISP for the Town of Ashland