{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "Town Clerk Scans Map MetadataThis dataset represents the spatial extents of Town of Avon, CT Town Clerk maps. Its intended use is help users find Town Clerk maps that cover an area of interest. It is only intended to be a guide, it does not depict the actual locations of property boundaries.Originally compiled during Spring and Summer 2019 by Jeffrey Lyle (GIS intern) for Larry Baril (Town Engineer) \u2013 Town of Avon, CT Engineering, Sewer, and GIS Department. Map extents were located primarily by comparing the Town Clerk map with the Cadastral_MDB_Parcelsdataset from the Town of Avon internal GIS server and identifying the parcel with the correct size and shape. If this was impossible (for example if many parcels have the same size and shape, or if parcels were combined so the original boundary no longer exists), then other data was used, such as previously-located Town Clerk maps; 2016 ORTHO, 2016 Hillshade, and Hydrographydatasets from CT ECO; and Buildings83_poly, Sewer_Net and Road_centerline83 from internal Town of Avon GIS data. If these additional datasets were not sufficient to identify the extent of a Town Clerk map, property deeds from the time period were accessed and traced forward in time until the location became identifiable.Once the location was identified, a polygon was drawn enclosing the parcels that the Town Clerk map focuses on with some overlap, usually 10-20 feet beyond the parcels\u2019 boundaries to ensure that the boundaries are included within the map extent polygon. If the boundary no longer exists then the coordinate geometry information from the map was used to estimate the boundary\u2019s location. If the map does not contain coordinate geometry information (usually sketches and Class D maps), then rough measurements on the map and the other GIS reference data were used to plot the map extent.If the Town Clerk map had the same extent as one that was previously mapped, often because it is a different revision of the same map, the .pdf document of the map was attached to the existing polygon instead of adding a new, identical polygon.This Town Clerk Maps GIS dataset was mapped in NAD 1983 State Plane Connecticut (US Feet) projection.Description of fields:filename: Name of scanned map filefileyear: Date map was filed with Town Clerkcreated_user: First initial and last name of the person who plotted the map extent polygoncreated_date: Date polygon was plottedVol: Volume in which the physical map is contained at the Town Clerk\u2019s officeDrawing_title: Title of mapOBJECTID, SHAPE, SHAPE_Length, and SHAPE_Area: ArcMap auto-generated fields", "summary": "", "title": "Town Clerk Map Extents", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": "NaN", "maxScale": "NaN", "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Jeffrey Lyle, GIS Intern, Town of Avon Engineering, Sewer, and GIS Department\nLarry Baril, Town Engineer, Town of Avon Engineering, Sewer, and GIS Department", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }